Acerta respects your privacy

As your partner for HR and payroll matters, we have quite some personal information under management. We treat them with the utmost discretion. We strictly follow the European directives, but mainly because your trust and peace of mind comes first for us.

Privacy statement

This privacy statement was last changed on the 7th of November 2022.

The controller for collecting and processing your personal data

Acerta is an HR services group in Belgium specialising in consulting, IT and handling accounting processes related to payroll processing, social security, child benefit and formalities associated with establishment. Acerta has decided to appoint a DPO for all legal entities belonging to the group, this person can be reached via group supports entrepreneurs in every growth stage and every HR process in different Acerta entities:

  • Acerta business counter for entrepreneurs

Acerta Ondernemingsloket vzw, Buro & Design Center, with registered office at Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0480.513.551

  • Acerta social insurance fund

Acerta Sociaal Verzekeringsfonds vzw, Buro & Design Center, with registered office at Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0416.377.646 RPR Brussels

  • Acerta payroll services provider

Acerta Sociaal Secretariaat vzw, Buro & Design Center, with registered office at Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0473.329.910 RPR Brussels

  • Acerta Insurances

Acerta Verzekeringen BV, Buro & Design Center with registered office at Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0703.952.160 RPR Brussels

  • Shéhérazade Développement

Shéhérazade Développement BV, Buro & Design Center, with registered office at Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0436.313.225 RPR Brussels

  • Acerta Services

Acerta Services BV, Buro & Design Center, with registered office at Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0453.045.428 RPR Brussels

  • Acerta Public

Acerta Public BV, Buro & Design Center, with registered office at Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0453.045.428 RPR Brussels

  • Acerta Consult

Acerta Consult BV, Buro & Design Center, with registered office at Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0428.939.740 RPR Brussels

  • Acerta

Acerta BV, Buro & Design Center, Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0473.394.345 RPR Brussels

This privacy statement is applicable to personal data belonging to you that is collected and processed by Acerta when you use our services.

Our privacy principles


We recognize that the protection of privacy of the data subject constitutes a fundamental right for each individual, and therefore we will do everything in our power to protect this right, by processing the personal data in a fair, open and transparent manner.


The trust our customers, employees and other stakeholders have in how we process personal data is of crucial importance to our organisation.


We understand that the abuse of personal data can have a major impact on the data subject and we will take all necessary measures to protect the data subject from financial, reputational or other damage.


We have learned that it is hard for legislation to always keep up with rapidly changing technologies, or the expectations of our customers, and therefore we try to comply with the spirit of the law and with a rapidly changing society, both pragmatically and without causing any inconvenience to our customers.

To whom does this privacy statement apply?

Acerta commits to protect your personal data with the greatest possible care, in accordance with the legislation regarding the protection of personal data. We are committed to applying the obligations arising from this legislation to all our processing and in respecting your rights with each processing of your personal data.

With this privacy statement, we want to give you information concerning the personal data that Acerta collects about you, why we collect them and what we do with them.

This privacy statement is applicable to all personal data processed by us in the different Acerta entities and is applicable to all customers, potential customers and visitors to our websites, applications and buildings

  • Acerta business counter for entrepreneurs
  • Acerta social insurance fund
  • Acerta payroll services provider
  • Acerta Insurances
  • Shéhérazade Développement
  • Acerta Services
  • Acerta Public
  • Acerta Consult
  • Acerta

With this privacy statement, Acerta guarantees that you:

  • stay informed about the processing of your personal data, whether electronically or on paper;
  • retain control of the personal data that Acerta processes;
  • are able to exert your rights regarding your personal data

If you are looking for more information about this legislation, we recommend that you consult the website of the Data Protection Authority.

Which personal data do we process at Acerta?

Personal data includes all data which enables you to identify a person, such as their surname, first name, e-mail address, ... This personal data is the property of the individual, and Acerta can use this data for the provision of their services. We distinguish the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification Information: this type of data enables Acerta to identify you in order to be able to offer their services to you. This category includes your surname, first name, language preference, family composition, ...
  • Contact information: this type of data will enable Acerta to contact you to answer possible questions, to offer their services or for other procedures where we need to contact you. This category includes your telephone number, address, email address, ...
  • Family information: in order to offer certain services, such as the calculation of the child benefit, Acerta needs to collect information about your family composition. This category therefore includes details about your family composition, number of dependents, ...
  • Information about education: for some services, Acerta needs information about your previous education, e.g. for advisory services, career counselling, salary calculation. This category includes information on your educational level, diplomas, qualifications, school career etc.
  • Information about employment: for some services, Acerta requires information about your employment, e.g. for the salary calculation or career counselling. This category includes information on your career, references, current employer, pension and insurance information etc.
  • Connection information: connection information contains all the information we collect from you when you use our digital services, such as the Acerta website and applications. Hereby we can secure the applications and offer you optimal support for the use of our digital services. This category includes user names, the IP address, device information, ...
  • Financial information: Acerta processes financial information to conclude their payment services and for services where Acerta acts as a payer. This category includes account numbers and outstanding balances.
  • Sensitive information: in order to offer certain services, Acerta also collects sensitive personal information such as information about health and judicial information. This information will only be collected for specific purposes for which specific contracts have been drawn up. We will always ask you explicitly for your consent before we process this sensitive data. 
On what grounds does Acerta process your personal data?

We always use the minimum set of data required for providing a good level of service. We commit to process your personal data only in a way that is compatible with the purposes for which the data were initially collected. We process your personal data for the following different purposes:

  • If we have obtained your consent for processing them.
  • Within the scope of a contractual obligation or in preparation of a contact with us.
  • If it is essential for fulfilling our legal obligations.
  • If Acerta has a legitimate interest for the processing, whereby the interest of Acerta and the rights of the data subject are kept in balance by taking sufficient appropriate measures.
  • If we want to process your personal data for other purposes than those for which the data were initially collected, we will always ask for your prior explicit consent.
Acerta processes personal data for the following purposes

We only process the personal data that are necessary within the framework of pre-defined objectives. The primary objectives for processing personal data are:

  • To provide services

We require certain data to be able to provide accurate services. We ensure that we always use the minimum information required to provide the requested service. The information used depends on the service that is being provided.

  • To provide legal support

We require certain data to be able to provide accurate services. We ensure that we always use the minimum information required to provide the requested service. The information used depends on the service that is being provided.

  • For contacts and interaction with people

Whenever you contact Acerta we will ask you for a basic set of data. This allows us to identify and contact you to handle your requests or answer your questions.

  • To improve the provision of Acerta’s services

We use your personal data to assess and improve our services. For this we use, among others, analysis techniques such as customer surveys, analyses of surfing behaviour on our websites and trends on social media.

  • For sales and marketing campaigns

We use your personal data to organise our sales and marketing campaigns for the promotion of our services to customers and potential customers.

  • To personalise the service to our customers

Acerta also uses your personal data to offer their customers optimal custom-made services. This requires our use of personal data which we combine with know-how domains based on different studies.

  • To guarantee a good and safe service

Acerta also processes your personal data with regards to general security in order to prevent, detect and investigate illegal and suspected abuses, in line with our general conditions and good service.

  • To monitor our performances

Your personal data may also be used for internal reporting to guide our policy objectives in order to offer long-term planning

  • To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations

Acerta has a number of legal and sectoral obligations which we must meet regarding certain services. We will have to process certain personal data to fulfil these requirements.

  • For qualitative data and analyses

Acerta may also use your personal data for market analyses and research to predict certain trends in the market and to provide advice. 

Does Acerta give or sell your personal data to third parties?

Acerta never gives and/or sells your personal data to third parties unless

  • they are other companies within our Acerta group;

We will pass on your personal data to companies within the Acerta group if these transfers are in accordance with the services for which we have received the data and the latter are in accordance with our processing.

  • it is necessary to provide the service

Acerta uses subcontractors for some aspects of its services and your personal data may then be transferred to this subcontractor. Some examples of these subcontractors are call centres, data centres, ... The transfer of data is always carried out in accordance with clear rules. Be assured that these personal data will only be used for the purposes for which we received them and that we will ensure fair processing.

  • It is necessary for the security of its internal systems

Acerta uses specialised, external parties to secure its systems. Within this cooperation framework, we may exchange personal data with our security partners. The necessity of exchanging personal data is considered on a case-by-case basis and exchange only takes place when strictly necessary.

  • There is a legal obligation

For certain services, Acerta is obliged to pass on information to official bodies such as the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises when starting up a company. This transfer always takes place according to clear guidelines and is always in accordance with the purposes for which we have received the data.

  • You have given your explicit consent

If Acerta wants to pass on your data to a third party and we cannot draw on any of the above statements, we will request your explicit permission. Without this permission, we will not sell your data or pass it on to a third party.


Regarding international transfer of personal data and processing outside the European Economic Area (EEA), personal data are only transferred to third parties if this is prescribed or permitted under the applicable privacy legislation. We guarantee appropriate safeguards, so that your rights are also respected outside the EEA in accordance with an adequate level of data protection, and we also require the data recipient to provide these appropriate guarantees. Personal data always remain protected in accordance with requirements specified in European regulations.

In some cases we use anonymous, aggregated data for commercial purposes or for external reporting. Such data can never be linked to a specific individual.

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?
The right of access

You have the right of access and consultation to the data that Acerta has about you. You may ask the following questions:

  • Does Acerta have any of my personal data?
  • What does Acerta use my personal data for?
  • What personal data does Acerta have?
  • Which parties can access my personal data?

To request this information, please fill in this form as completely as possible. The information in this form is only used to respond to this request and must be as complete as possible to prevent us from wrongly disclosing information on the basis of an incorrect application.

If the application does not contain enough information, an Acerta employee may request additional information.

The right to rectification

You have the right to have your data rectified if they are incorrect and/or incomplete. You can exercise this right by filling out this form. We ask you to complete it as fully as possible. We will only use the information on this form to grant this request, it must be as complete as possible to avoid the unjustified rectification of any data based on an incorrect request.

The rectification of personal data may be impossible due to contractual and/or legal restrictions.

The right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)

You have the right to have your data deleted from our systems. You can exercise this right by filling out this form. We ask you to complete it as fully as possible. We will only use the information on this form to grant this request, it must be as complete as possible to avoid the unjustified deletion of any data based on an incorrect request.

Sometimes, it is not possible to delete personal data due to contractual obligations, legal provisions and our organisation's legitimate interests. For example, we will not delete your contact details if you still have an unpaid invoice.

The right to object

You have the right to object to receiving direct marketing from Acerta. This is a free and basic right which you may exercise through this link which allows you to manage your preferences.

This right to object does not apply to communications established by contractual agreements and/or legal obligations.

All the above requests are free of charge, except if Acerta considers the request to be unfounded or disproportionate (e.g. repetitive request). We will handle each request correctly and carefully within a period of one month after receiving all the relevant information. If necessary, this period can be extended by two months, e.g. taking into account the complexity and number of requests. If the period is extended, we will notify you, including the reason for the extension.

If you are unsatisfied with the supplied information or if you think that you have received incomplete information, you can contact Acerta's Data Protection Officer ( to discuss further options.

You also have the following rights

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact our DPO at

The right to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw consent at any time if the processing of your data is done based on your consent. This can be done in the same way as you gave your consent.

The right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request the restriction of processing of your data; in this case, we will continue to store your data, but we will restrict their use. You can, for example, submit this request when you think that the personal data are inaccurate, or the processing by Acerta is unjustified. We only have to grant these requests in specific cases as defined by law.

The right to data portability

You have the right to obtain the personal data that we process of you, and this in a structured, commonly used and digital format and/or to send this personal data directly to another controller.

The right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint about how Acerta processes your personal data and/or how we implement your rights, if at any time you are of the opinion that Acerta infringes your privacy. You can do this as follows:

  • Lodge a complaint to Acerta
    • Acerta has appointed a Data Protection Officer who has an independent role at the organisation and will handle your complaint with a view to reaching a solution together with you.
    • You can contact our DPO via
  • Lodge a complaint to the data protection authority
    • You have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority about the way in which Acerta processes your personal data and/or the way in which we process your rights. We suggest you to visit the data protection authority website for more information. 
How long do we keep your personal data?

Acerta has the necessary technical and organisational measures in place to guarantee that your personal data are correctly processed and are safe at Acerta. Within this framework, we may not keep personal data longer than is strictly necessary for the purposes for which we received them or for the execution of a contract or for fulfilling a legal obligation. These periods depend on the purpose for which the data are used and the type of service, because some aspects are determined by law. The archived data have limited access. On expiry of the storage period, your personal data are of course definitively removed or rendered anonymous.

Modification of the privacy statement

Acerta reserves the right to modify her privacy statement. Any significant change will be immediately posted on this page. We recommend that you consult our privacy statement on a regular base, so that you are always aware of the contents of the applicable privacy policy.

This cookie policy was last modified on the 1st of September 2022.

This cookie policy (the "Cookie Policy") applies to using the and website (the "Website") of Acerta BV, Buro & Design Center, with its registered office at Heizel Esplanade 1, PB 65, 1020 Brussels and with company number 0473.394.345 RPR Brussels ("we" or "Acerta BV, Buro & Design Center").

As Acerta BV, Buro & Design Center, we believe it to be important you can read, view, listen to or experience our information through various media platforms in any place and at any time. We also work on interactive services and services tailored to you. To do so, we might use cookies or other technologies such as scripts, logs, I-frames, plugins, captchas, trackers and pixels and, which we bundle together below under the term "cookies", on our Website, in our newsletters or in our other online services.

In this Cookie Policy, we aim to inform you about what cookies we use, for what purposes, what happens to the collected data and how you can manage their use. This allows us to tailor our services to your privacy preferences. The Cookie Policy applies to the Website and our other online services. We also clearly indicate when we transfer cookies to third parties and under what conditions. Please note that when you click through to an external website through a link, a different privacy and cookie policy applies, namely that of the website to which it links. We bear no responsibility nor liability whatsoever for external websites.

What are cookies, scripts, logs, I-frames, plugins, captchas, trackers and pixels?

Cookies are small data or text files installed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or use an online service. They allow you to recognise your web browser or device and keep track of data about your browsing habits. In this way, we remember – for instance – how to display the Website properly on your device, what you filled out on a form, which pages you visited, whether you read our newsletter and what your social media profiles are. We use them to protect our forms from cyber-attacks, and also to collect all kinds of statistics about the use and users of our Website and online services. Some cookies are ours, while others are from third parties. We also use cookies to improve the Website, and possibly other online services. Cookies also usually have an expiration date.

The following technologies are also covered by this Cookie Policy:

  • Scripts: a set of commands performing a task on the Website to, such as saving and editing data from a form on our server; your web browser may block certain scripts.
  • Logs: files tracking user information such as your IP address, browser type, internet service provider, the website that referred you to this Website, date, time and number of mouse clicks. These logs are used to manage and optimise the Website.
  • I-frames: a field we use to display external content on the Website, such as videos from Vimeo, Twitter and YouTube.
  • Plug-ins: piece of software extending the functionalities of the Website and that come from third parties.
  • Captchas: response tests verifying whether a human or computer program is visiting the Website. This is to prevent computer programs from misusing the forms on the Website.
  • Trackers: technology tracking your online behaviour between websites, such as which websites you visit, what actions you take, and what information you have entered on these websites, such as your search terms or your use of your social media profiles, which can then be used to infer personality traits. Examples of trackers include certain cookies, pixels, and fingerprinting.
  • Pixels: small invisible images allowing us to collect certain information about the use of the Website, such as the number of users visiting a particular page.
How can you refuse or manage the use of cookies?

Certain cookies are necessary for the Website to work or to provide you with an online service. You cannot refuse these cookies, as otherwise the Website/online service will not work. You can set your browser to block these cookies or to warn you about them, but some parts of the Website will not work. The following website explains how to refuse cookies in most browsers:

For the other cookies, we ask for your permission. However, you should always be aware that blocking some types of cookies may adversely affect your experience of the Website and the services we offer.

We ask you to set your preferences regarding cookies when you first visit the Website. On each subsequent visit, you can change your cookie preferences again by clicking on the cookie settings link in the footer. With each change, we will ask you to set your preferences once again.

You can determine how your web browser handles cookies through the browser settings. You can also always delete cookies already installed on your computer or mobile device. To do so, consult the help function of your web browser or one of the following web pages:

What scripts/logs/i-frames/plug-ins/captchas/pixels/trackers do we use?

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system allowing scripts, tags and related code snippets to be placed on a website from a web-based user interface. This is where you determine which tags and script may be loaded based on your cookie preferences.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a service provided by Google for collecting statistics from a website and display them in detail. The purpose of this service is to provide the website administrator with a clear picture of visitor flows, traffic sources and page views, among other things. Using this information, a webmaster is able improve the operation of a site based on visitor behaviour. In addition to page views, statistics are tracked on clicks to email addresses and phone numbers.

Google Ads (DoubleClick)

Google Ads is Google's online advertising program allowing businesses to advertise through search campaigns, banner campaigns, video campaigns, shopping campaigns and app campaigns. Conversions are tracked when a visitor lands on a page after they click on an ad or promotion, when the contact form is filled out, and when an email address or phone number is clicked.


reCAPTCHA is a system allowing distinguishing between human and automated visitors to the website. This is used to stop automated spam through the contact form.

YouTube embeds

YouTube videos can be placed within the website via an embed.

Facebook pixel

The Facebook pixel is an analytics tool for ads on Facebook. It ensures that ads are displayed to the right people, and that ad results are measured. Conversions are tracked when a visitor lands on a page after they click on an ad or promotion.


Hotjar is a set of analytics tools helping you collect qualitative data. These tools include heatmaps, funnel tracking, user polls, surveys and more. In this way, Hotjar gives you insight into visitor behaviour on a website.

Relation to Privacy Policy

Because cookies may contain personal data, the General Data Processing Regulation (GDPR) may apply. For more information on this subject, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


Acerta BV, Buro & Design Center reserves the right to make amendments to this Cookie Policy at any time. By using this website and/or online services, you accept all the terms of this Cookie Policy as determined at the time of use. With each access to the website, after the Cookie Policy was amended, you are deemed to have taken note of the changes and to accept them.