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The frequently asked questions about the Federal Learning Account (FLA)

15 May 2024

Most companies are now working to implement a learning culture in their organisation but what about registering the kind of training courses employees can take? Since April 2024, employers can do so using the government registration tool FLA. A lot of employers are still left with questions. We made a list of the most frequently asked questions.

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Individual training right: exactly how does it work?

02 April 2024

Since the beginning of this year, employees are entitled to five individual training days per year. A great initiative imposed under the Labour Deal. So how do you actually make these training days work and what are the benefits?

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Recruiting people with physical or mental disabilities

12 February 2024

As an employer facing a tight labour market, it is important that you spread your net more widely when you recruit and rise above prejudices and clichés. Targeting people with physical or mental disabilities who have the right abilities is a step in the right direction, but how do you get started? Are there things to be aware of and certain conditions you need to meet? Take a few moments to keep reading!

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Individual training rights and training plans

01 February 2024

The Labour Deal, training plans and individual training days for employees. What exactly do companies need to put in place and what does this involve in practice?

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Individual training days, yes. Better still is a training culture.

21 December 2023

Training is an important lever to develop people and organisations and to prepare them for the challenges of the future. Unsurprisingly, the Labour Deal on training includes a series of ground rules, such as the individual right to training for every employee. The question is whether this ambitious government target is achievable as well as sufficient.

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opleidingen jobmobiliteit_acerta

The future of job mobility

01 June 2023

As an employer, you’d like to retain talent and respond flexibly to the needs of your organisation. However, your employees also want to grow and take on new challenges. Job mobility is therefore important for both employees and employers. Training offers a solution to this. How can training contribute to job mobility, and what can you do as a company to support your employees in their career development?

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PC 200: Don't forget to register your training plan!

24 March 2022

Clerks in PC 200 are entitled to a number of days of training for the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2023. Acerta explains.

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Flemish training leave: collective right of initiative during the school year 2021-2022

08 July 2021

The Flemish government is launching a directed training and career offensive as part of 'All hands on deck' (the Flemish recovery plan). Next school year, a temporary joint initiative right for Flemish training leave will be created, whereby both employees and employers can propose a training course.

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