News in the spotlight


How to stay ahead of the curve and keep abreast of crucial socio-legal changes? Pour yourself a cup of coffee and choose your topic.


Purchasing power bonus: delay for issue of consumption vouchers

05 December 2023

Still want to pay your employees a purchasing power bonus? The deadline has been postponed by several months, but do not leave it too long to get prepared.

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2024 Employee representative elections: day X-60 is drawing near

27 November 2023

How are the 2024 employee representative elections to be organised? What happens on day x-60 and what are your obligations as an employer? We list a number of key issues that will give you a clear picture about the further steps to be taken as a company in the run-up to the 2024 employee representative elections.

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The special tax regime for foreign executives and specialists will be phased out

17 November 2023

On 1 January 2022, the special tax regime for foreign executives will be amended. Thanks to this information, you can now check whether your current or future employees can join the new BBIB/BBIO.

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The Whistleblowing Directive: deadline approaches

16 November 2023

The European Whistleblowing Directive now also applies in Belgium. Organisations with at least 50 employees have been required to set up an internal reporting system since 15 February 2023. Does your company’s workforce range from anywhere from 50 up to 249 employees? In that case, you still have until 17 December 2023 to set up a whistleblower reporting channel.

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The mobility budget is to have an official calculation formula

19 October 2023

Good news for companies that wish to implement the mobility budget: the government has published an official formula to calculate the amount of the annual mobility budget. This comes with a view to raising transparency in order to hopefully further increase mobility budgets.

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Purchasing power bonus as a little extra employee perk

11 October 2023

After the corona bonus, at the end of 2022 the federal government decided that companies that turn a handsome profit should be allowed to pay their employees a one-off purchasing power bonus. This little extra comes in the form of consumption vouchers. Find out why it is a rewarding decision for employers to award the bonus.

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Budget agreement: which measures affect employers?

11 October 2023

On 9 October 2023, the federal government reached an agreement on the 2024 budget. On the industrial relations front, they agreed on a number of labour market reforms which should help bring about employees working longer or returning to work, making work more rewarding and keeping the labour market competitive. These agreements are to be turned into legislation over the period ahead. Based on the information currently available to us, we are happy to already provide you with a run-down of what this could mean for you.

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The cafeteria plan: what are the most popular benefits?

05 October 2023

The cafeteria plan, also known as flexible reward, is a way of giving your employees a say in the make-up of their pay package. As an employer, you establish the benefits you are offering and allow your employees to pick and mix from the range of benefits on offer. In doing so, the pay package better suits employees’ personal needs, with everybody choosing whether or not they wish to join the plan. A cafeteria plan is also budget-neutral: there are additional costs as an employer, but the wage cost remains unchanged. Which makes this a real win-win, as your employees get more value (and appreciation) for the same money.

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Is the right to disconnect effectively being implemented or does it exist only on paper?

03 October 2023

Disconnecting is about being able to switch off from work, something we can all do with. How do you go about implementing this in such a way that it works?

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